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Comparison: Best Selling Music Artists

These are music artists ranked by the amount of certified units they have sold. Ever wondered how many songs Drake has sold? Or …

Probability Comparison: Habits

These are habits that people do regularly. Ever wondered how many people have the habit playing video games? Or what about that …

Comparison: Most Popular Websites

Most Popular Websites of 2020 - These are a wide range of websites including Insurance, Lawyer s, Gaming, Loans, Amazon must hav…

Comparison: Richest YouTubers

These are the net-worths of these creators as of 2020. Ever wondered how much Tfues net worth is? Or what about Jake Paul? Watch…

Comparison: Animal Strength

These are the amounts of weight that the average animal within the species can lift. Ever wondered how much the average Dog / Ca…

Probability Comparison: Human Evolution

These are the odds that humanity evolves and we develop these traits. What are the odds that humans evolve to have 2 hearts? Wha…

Comparison: Most Annoying Things

ADL (Annoyance Density Level) is a arbatry measurement used for the sole purpose of being able to compare annoyance levels. Wha…

Comparison: Animal Intelligence

IQ has been estimated using a wide range of variables including the animals cognitive processing power, brain structure and the…

Probability Comparison: Genders

These are the probabilities that a random person is one of these. Watch this video to find out more. DISCLAIMER: This probab…

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